QuickBooks Error 15240 is a type of update error that occurs when you are trying to update to QuickBooks Desktop or while you are updating payroll software. This error generally occurs because of Internet Explorer security settings or misconfiguration of firewall settings. When your QB is not able to download the latest version then this error may occur. Whenever QB error 15240 encounters then an error message comes up which states: “HRESULTXXXXX The payroll update did not complete successfully” or “HRESULTXXXXX The QuickBooks update did not complete successfully.”
What are the causes of QuickBooks Error 15240:-
When your QuickBooks version is outdated.
When you are logged in as an administrator but not running you are not running a program as an administrator.
When you are using the QuickBooks Desktop application in multi-user mode.
When your QuickBooks desktop is not installed properly or installation is corrupt.
Damaged Windows and registry files get corrupted, this can also cause Quickbooks error 1712.
When your system’s date and time are incorrect.
When Internet Explorer security settings are improper.
When data is damaged in a company file.
When the download link is invalid and incorrect.

QuickBooks Error 15240 handling steps:-
- Run QuickBooks application as an administrator
First, go to the QuickBooks icon and right-click on it.
Then select the option “run as an administrator.”

- Check System’s date and time
Go to the control panel of your system then open change date and time settings.
Then change date and time correctly then click on apply and then click on OK.

- Put Windows permission to QuickBooks Installation folders
The first step is to close all the Windows of QuickBooks then go to local disc ‘C’ of your system and search program files(x86).
Then do right click on the Intuit folder and then select “properties”.
Now go to the security tab and then select the “advanced” option. The owner of the folder should be the only user.
If the user is not the owner then the user has to take the ownership so for this, go to the “advanced settings Window” you have to select “change beside the owner’s name.”
Now type users in the enter the ‘object name then select the field’ and also select the ‘check names’.
Then select OK and, then mark replace owner on “sub-containers and objects.”.
Now select apply and then OK then select the users on the permission window and then click on the full control option.
Then the user is also supposed to select the apply and ok tab.
- Verify the Internet Explorer settings
First, you have to select the ‘gear icon’ and then select ‘Internet options’ after that you have to go to the “advanced tab.”
Now under the security tab, you have to mark ‘Use SSL 2.0’ and ‘Use SSL 3.0’.
Finally, select apply and click on the Ok button.

I hope by following the above-mentioned steps you will be able to solve QuickBooks Error 15240, you can check for QB update error 12007 if you are getting it but if in any case you still face the problem then you can reach out to QuickBooks Error Support team.