Resolve QuickBooks error 12002
Have you ever had your QuickBooks crash and then mysteriously return an error number like error 12002, 123456, or 10001? You bounce back with a big “Oops!” in various places on the screen. What do you do? There may be a few different solutions depending on what other errors you’re also having, but here’s your quick guide to solving this one:
What is QuickBooks error 12002?

The problem with error 12002 may not always be described clearly to you or other users. Before trying to troubleshoot this issue, it is necessary to determine what the issue actually is. A quick ways of doing this is by downloading a transaction backup file on a regular basis and examining it for any errors.
What caused the error in first place?
QuickBooks has errors that can occur. It is essential to report these when they happen so they are fixed. One error that arises is 12002 and the first thing you might want to do if this error is displayed on your computer is see what caused it in the first place. That way, you can eliminate any further problems before it gets out of control.
When does this error appear?
This error is related to making or changing a policy or agreement. This can happen when trying to add several different policies with different payment methods simultaneously.
Why does the compiler make this error?
The compiler will notify you if there is errors however it doesn’t always provide the correct answer to fixing the error. Very few people realize this and the fixes may not work with your particular circumstance. Use a blog that can help you find a possible solution for your situation.
Solution of QuickBooks error 12002
The first solution — Reset your update setting
· Firstly select your update now option.
· Secondly select to reset update option.
· Chose to get an update and if this option not working follow these steps
1. Choose the option to restore the advance setting.
2. Find from TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1, TLS 1.2.
3. Select only TLS 1.0, and both two unselect.
Second Solution — Check your internet connection
· Open your QuickBooks and choose help.
· Select internet connection setup.
· Check your internet and set up a computer internet connection.
· After that, click next.
· Check and see whether this error is addressed.
Third Solution — Update your QuickBooks
· Locate to the help menu and choose internet connection setup.
· Select the box “use my computer’s internet connection setting to make a connection when this allows us to the internet.
· Then click on update QuickBooks.
Fourth Solution — keep upgrading your chrome browser
Upgrading the Google Chrome browser is another possibility for resolving the system problem code 12002. The error may display if your Chrome browser is out of date. As a result, to upgrade the browser, you’ll need to do the following:
· Open the chrome browser on your PC.
· On the above side, select more options.
· Choose the update Google chrome tab.

· Wait for a few seconds and refresh your page.
· When this step is complete, you must click on prelaunch.
Please note: if you cannot see the update option, must you are using the old version of chrome.
If you’re encountering the Quick Books error 12002, there are a few reasons to try fixing it. The first is that if you contact customer service, the process may be worth saving yourself the distress of dealing with it. If you still decide to go through with trying to fix the error, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, delete everything on your computer until your current transaction is up for withdrawal. Retain every payment made for transferring cash and receipts for your company financials as well before proceeding.
Read also- Quickbooks file extension
The best way to resolve QuickBooks error 12002 is to use a backup file that was made after the transactions you wanted to restore occurred. We talk about the above solutions of QuickBooks error 12002 there is Four Solution to QuickBooks I hope you Resolve your Queries with these Solutions. There are no guarantees that it will succeed in restoring the transactions, but if it works this will be a much better idea than trying to find an old transaction and deleting it.